Found this story on usenet:
Newsgroups   : comp.os.coherent
From         : CHEGC@LURE.LATROBE.EDU.AU (Graeme Cross)
Subject      : Coherent & Linux
Date         : Fri, 24 Feb 1995 05:57:00 GMT
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For what's it worth, I thought I'd share my experiences of shifting from Coherent across to Linux, as many people are probably in the midst of doing it at the moment or are considering shifting across to another OS at some point.

I had been using Coherent 4.2.x for about a year on a 386 box and then a 486DX2-66 system for some chemometric modelling work - the code was written by myself and compiled under GNU C/C++, and that was about all I used Coherent for - apart from tinkering around with Unix; no fancy applications that needed COFF etc, so my needs are different to that of a lot of people - all I needed was a Unix box that could compile C code and run it :)

I shifted across to Linux about a month before MWC died, and did it for a few reasons: my observations of Linux running on a few systems around here was that it run a lot faster than Coherent, the X Windows release (XFree86 3.1) was a LOT more recent and most importantly it had networking and virtual memory.

I also investigated the *BSD systems - they are highly impressive, but more people around here used Linux, so it seemed a sensible route in terms of support etc.

I've been using the Infomagic Dec 94 3 CD set and am yet to hit a problem - I have full support for a myriad of hardware that I could never use under Coherent, the installation was as easy (if not easier) than the Coherent installation and there are complete mirrors of the sunsite, tsx-11 and gnu FTP archives on the CDs.

I don't intend to rave about Linux or *BSD - but they are worthy replacements if you need to replace Coherent or just need some of the features missing from Coherent (as I did with virtual memory). Ignore some of the highly ignorant rantings of a few individuals here about Linux and check both Linux and *BSD out if you can - ask around - there are plenty of people around most colleges and work places who are using one of those systems who I'm sure would be more than happy to give you a tour and a feel for the OS.

IMHO, Coherent failed because management didn't listen or deliver to us what we needed, or delivered way over time, but that's in the past, and if you are considering swapping over to one of the free Unix or Unix-like operating systems, I doubt you would be disappointed. Both the Linux and BSD communities are full of very talented programmers (and now document writers) who are developing their respective systems into very powerful operating systems that put a lot of the commercial Unix systems that I have seen to shame.

Enough raving - if anyone has any questions about making the transition from Coherent across to Linux, I would be happy to do my best to help you.

Bottom line: some people in this group do not understand the rationale behind Linux and *BSD and have done nothing but post complete bullsh*t in this newsgroup for the last few weeks. If you're interested in either OS, take a look at it - don't just believe the postings in c.o.c :) Neither OS is perfect, but then, neither was Coherent. ;) Cheers,

Graeme Cross                   | 
Dept. of Chemistry             |
La Trobe University            | 
Bundoora, Victoria, Australia  | 

Something I ( has to say about that

There are some features of Linux which makes it easier to change from coherent.
Created:24.02.95 Author: N.Kümin