3332 Sirok, Pf.9. Phone: +36 36 361-106 Phone/Fax: +36 36 361-109

The foundations for the operation of MFS Hungarian Ammunition Manufacturing Ltd. were laid by its predecessor, Mátravidéki Metal Works, established in May 1952. According to the structure of ownership in the 1950's in Hungary, Mátravidéki Metal Works was established as a state-owned company, .for the purposes of military production in the cold war era. The company based its production on the conventions of ammunition manufacturing in Hungary, exploiting the established technology and expertise.

Modern ammunition manufacturing in Hungary was established in the l9th century by Wezss Manfréd Ammunition, Steel and Metal Works PL.C. and was continued by the Hungarian Ammunition Works PL.C., founded in 1938. These companies exclusively produced for the army and for other state orders. After World War II, Hungarian Ammunition Works PL.C. remained the only company to continue ammunition manufacturing. Its experience was the basis on which further companies were established in the early 1950's.

The product line and manufacturing technology of the post-war ammunition factories, including Mátravidéki Metal Works, were and for decades remained to be determined by the Soviet model and regulations. As global political tension eased, so did the companies climinate Soviet influence, although they started to produce for the civil market as early as the late 1950's. Mátravidéki Metal Works also underwent these changes. The company started to manufacture roller chains, aluminum tubes, aerosol cans and other metal packaging on a massive scale and built up its reputation through these products. Within ammunition manufacturing, the proportion of production for military orders began to decrease in the 1960's and continued to decline in the late 1970's. The present range of cartridges has evolved in the past four years.

In 1994, MFS Hungarian Ammunition Manufacturing Ltd. purchased the manufacturing of ammunition and tools from Mátravidéki Metal Works in a bid to continue production and sales in line with the conventions and to develop products and manufacturing technology.

MFS Hungarian Ammunition Manufacturing Ltd. manufactures ammunition of various calibres to be used in pistols, rifles and shotguns, for military, police and civilian orders, for both the internal and the foreign market. Its profile also includes the manufacturing and distribution of tools used in cold metalwork. Furthermore, the company offers technical design and manufacturing expertise, which together with the general activities, allows us to meet specific demands.

The policy of MFS Hungarian Ammunition Manufacturing Ltd. is to ensure high quality. In this spirit, we constantly update and develop manufacturing technology and broaden the product range. The ever-wider range of products, our integrity and top quality are the keys to our success, which is reflected in the increase of sales and clientele.

We welcome the opportunity to qoute for our products and services which may be of interest.

Tool manufacturing and Munitions

managing director

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